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neuroscience, consciousness, AI

Difference between consciousness and unconsciousness

It is difficult to understand the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness. From Hawkins' idea, new input that is already in the memory process is basically unconscious. On the other hand, if the new input is not in the memory, the input runs up the stairs of neocortex, and (probably) finally reaches hippocampus. (And it is recognized.)

But even if the new input is unknown, someone may miss it. On the other hand, even if the new input is already-known, some can recognize it if he wants to be in a meta-cognition state.

And if it is so, difference between consciousness and unconsciousness might be  difference between [he is in a meta-cognition state] and [he is NOT in a meta-cognition state].

Ex: I feel I can remember a rest of the song after I hear beginning of the song with unconsciousness state. On the other hand, I can also remember it with conscious state if I intend to hear it with remembering when & where I heard it before.

Before, on the blog entry: "I" can have a consciousness of metacognition while "I" recall an episodic memory which includes "I". I wrote, "Each episodic memory associates each other, and "I" portion recognizes metacognition if the memory includes "I". To recognize it in itself, synapse strong relationship is important. Even if "I" have an experience to hear the song on TV, it is not quite enough.

Therefore, whether consciousness or unconsciousness might not be so important. And there may be an intermidiate state that is between consciousness and unconsciousness.

While considering the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness, some people might be looking for homunculus. As I wrote on the blog before, "pseudo homunculus", which is generated from plural episodic memories which include "I", should be considered. This "pseudo homunculus" probably seems as if it observes all of the brain with a process of associating each other as "I".