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neuroscience, consciousness, AI

Consciousness research series: adding chapter 6 and 7

Here consciousness research series: the consciousness research series has been updated.
Today shows Chapter 6, 7 adding to Chapter 0, 1, 3, 4, 5.

Chapter 6 is 'Hard Problem / Easy Problem / Connection between machine and brain'. Showing What is Hard Problem, and explaining the reason of Hard Problem with keywords of 'melting Hard Problem' and 'optical illusion-like transformation’, etc.

And Chapter 7 is 'Model of consciousness / CBB'. Showing CBB (CONSCIOUSNESS BUILDING BLOCK concept) as a model of consciousness, & showing functional aspects of consciousness: self, emotion and motivation, semantic understanding, creativity, etc.

Also exsiting Chapter 1, 3, 4, 5 have also been slightly corrected.

The following are examples of preconditions for understanding consciousness through science.
1. There is a consciousness hypothesis that distances itself from dualism, and consciousness is theoretically copyable.
2. Hard Problem is only part of the scope of consciousness.
3. The qualia that the living organism actually feels just happen to be generated by genetic algorithms, etc., and this is not negated by theory.

After this I will release the rest of Consciousness research series slide documents stepwisely. Every chapter will have about 20 pages and there are 18 chapters. It's a plan. So far I wrote all slide documents based on scientific facts basically. I expect a quiet discussion based on this. A trial is to show by colors for comments and unique ideas. Pale orange shows comments by author, and pale blue shows series unique ideas.

Chapter 0: 'Contents of series of research of consciousness'

Chapter 1: 'What is consciousness?'

Chapter 3: 'New ideas for consciousness'

Chapter 4: 'Consciousness, unconsciousness / Monad / Consciousness of stones /Precondition of consciousness'

Chapter 5: 'Qualia / Unit qualia / CBB'

Chapter 6: 'Hard Problem / Easy Problem / Connection between machine and brain'

Chapter 7: 'Model of consciousness / CBB'